Gerald Simpa Dioussé of the Forests Department stands in front of Saplings destined for the 'Great Green Wall' - Senegal
Earthquake damage in Yushu, Tibet
A migrant street vendor in Venice
A crowd gathers around sellers of Caterpillar Fungus in Tibet – prized in traditional Chinese medicine and commanding high prices.
Monks wander around a building site in Nangchen, Tibet – An area that is under development by the Chinese authorities.
A reclining Buddha sculpture under construction in Yushu, Tibet
A bust of Lenin in a junk shop in Bukhara - a reminder of 60 years of Soviet occupation – Uzbekistan
Remembrance Sunday Parade in the Peak District, UK
A trekker stands by the graves of British soldiers who died in the Battle of Abu Klea at a remote Colonial grave site in the Bayuda Desert – Sudan
A nomad checks himself in the mirror of his motorcycle – Tibet
Monks debate in a purpose built stadium – Tibet
The entrance to a newly discovered tomb in the Sudan.
A lone cottage sits at the edge of a giant spoil hill of slate – a leftover from the Industrial Revolution in Wales.
A Bedouin takes his camels to drink at Jakdal Wells in the Bayuda Desert - Sudan
The last Turan Tiger, shot and stuffed in a Museum in Nukus - Uzbekistan
A man reads a gravestone at the old Parish Church of Kildalton in Islay, Scotland
Young monks at a ceremony to appease the mountain gods – Tibet
A nomad mounts his camel – Bayuda Desert, Sudan
A procession of people walking to Kinder Reservoir to protest for the right to swim outdoors - Peak District
A protestor mans a barricade during the Extinction Rebellion climate protest in Manchester
Tents in the streets of Manchester during the Extinction Rebellion climate protest.
A school teacher in a village in Senegal
Two men take tea after prayer outside a mosque in Burkara - Uzbekistan
A nomad and his son sit in their winter compound while a monk mediates on a hill – Nangchen County, Tibet